Don’t let private interests loot education dollars and defund important programs. Charter-school lobby-backed politicians, including IPS board members Angelia Moore, Hope Hampton, Deandra Thompson, and Ashley Thomas, want to redistribute essential IPS funding, property, and services to private donors and dark-money PACs who seek to exploit our our children to enrich themselves. If they succeed, this massive giveaway of public assets would collapse Indianapolis public schools, making HB1136 and HB1002 successful even without the Republican-led legislature’s involvement.
Central Indiana DSA, in solidarity with concerned parents, teachers, students, and taxpayers of Indianapolis, call on working people to fight back against the efforts of Angelia Moore, Hope Hampton, Deandra Thompson, and Ashley Thomas and the charter school lobby they represent. To win a future where all children enjoy the right to a free, quality education, we must push back on these new encroachments and roll back existing privatization, which has already proved disastrous for our children’s education.
We need YOU to:
- Join us in attending the IPS School Board meetings, Thursday, January 30 at 6 PM at the John Morton-Finney Center for Educational Services, 120 E. Walnut St. Invite everyone you know.
- Speak at the meeting. We need the voices of teachers and parents especially, speaking from the heart about the need to keep public schools public. You must SIGN-UP HERE before 12 PM.
- Unable to attend or speak? We can speak for you. Use the form below to share your statement and a member of our group will try to speak on your behalf (can be anonymous). If you are a teacher and fear retaliation for speaking your mind, you can submit your statement confidentially to us via this link, and we will read it for you.
- Alternatively, you can submit your written statement directly to the board.
- Join us Monday, February 10 at 6:30 in the upstairs room at Spades Park Library to help us continue planning how to resist this effort.
Central Indiana DSA recognizes that the current status quo is not enough, but we wholly reject the suggestion that private enterprise can “solve” it. Our teachers are overworked, our classrooms are falling apart, our students are hurting. These are problems of funding, created by none other than the same people trying to buy up our schools, our communities, our children’s futures and welfare in order to enrich themselves and their cronies. These are problems solved with investment by the people, through equitable taxation and redistribution, not profiteers, who make great promises while being under no obligation whatsoever to serve the children of our community.
Central Indiana DSA is fighting to make our public schools, “Fully funded and fully public.”
See you in the struggle!
Solidarity forever,
Central Indiana DSA