🌹 = Great for first-timers!

Labor Committee Meeting 2/16 🌹

For the agenda, as well as the link to join the meeting, check the #cmt_labor channel in the chapter’s Slack group.

STAI Canvass Debrief Meeting

Volunteers who went door-knocking with STAI over the past weekend will debrief on their experiences and discuss any issues that arose. We will talk about next steps for the campaign […]

Decompression Session, 2/18 🌹

Crack open a cold one with comrades. Hosted by Terre Haute Branch but open to the chapter. Commiserate and decompress with us! To join, contact terrehautedsa@gmail.com, or ask in the #2_social […]

STAI Introduction and Door-Knocking Training

  This meeting will introduce new-comers to our eviction outreach campaign, Supporting Tenants Across Indiana, and provide training for door-knocking tenants facing eviction during our canvass on Saturday afternoons. If […]

Terre Haute DSA Book Club, 2/20 🌹

Hosted by Terre Haute DSA, but open to the entire chapter. Join us as we read and discuss our next book! To prepare, you can download the free Zoom app […]

Central IN DSA General Meeting, 2/21 🌹

Join the Central Indiana DSA at our February General Meeting, to discuss ongoing work to build a better world. Open to everyone. Register on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMrd-GqrjMoG92qvonDPSTcN9BRINN4u_J3

Marx on Capital Reading Group, 2/24

Join Central Indiana DSA comrades and fellow-travelers as we read through several of Marx’s works on capital. This week, we’ll read and discuss chapter 10, sections 6 and 7 of […]